Simon Sinek thinks that he cracked the code on why some people, organizations, and businesses inspire more than others, and I would have to agree with him. Sinek says that it all has to do with "the golden circle". This is a series of three circles. The outer and largest circle is "what", the middle circle is "how", and the inward most small circle is "why". Sinek says that everyone can tell you "what" they're doing, some can tell you "how" they're doing it, and only few can tell you "why". Most people start with the what, explain how this is done, and then insist you believe them. As humans, we aren't convinced by this. When companies such as Apple, and people such as the Wright brothers and Martin Luther King Jr, have told us their beliefs or why they do what they do, we have been mesmerized and hooked. Sink repeatedly used the phrase, "People won't buy what you do, they buy why you do it".
This was very interesting to watch as I am designing an IT firm for studio and creating a concept that supports the "why" of the company. As I watched this video I began to formulate a slogan for my IT firm that I believe will draw employees and customers to it because they also believe the same thing. It is important that my design conveys the truth and unity that Unitruth believes in so that like minded employees are hired and like minded customers flock to it. There is no chance that a company can be successful if the heart is not behind everything that they do.
This was very interesting to watch as I am designing an IT firm for studio and creating a concept that supports the "why" of the company. As I watched this video I began to formulate a slogan for my IT firm that I believe will draw employees and customers to it because they also believe the same thing. It is important that my design conveys the truth and unity that Unitruth believes in so that like minded employees are hired and like minded customers flock to it. There is no chance that a company can be successful if the heart is not behind everything that they do.
Why do you want to be an interior designer?